Monday, July 7, 2014

Brendan Horton to the Rescue

Been a while again - had something going well and then I lost it, bad.  Was hooking the ball off the planet and I can't take that into Lakewood.  Texted Brendan and he said he'd take a look today (7/7/14)

I played yesterday and kinda figured out at least one problem, was coming over the top a bit and as he suggested my body was slowing causing my hands to take over.

At the range he looked at me hitting a few wedges and then an 8 iron and amazingly zeroed in on the problem quickly and made astute simple suggestions. I spent some time asking more questions to ensure I could retain what he explained.  The result is below...

  1. Tempo. He had me hit 52 degree wedges. A club you wouldn't swing fast. I hit standard shots - you know - to your number
  2. Then he handed me an 8 iron, told me to swing with same tempo.  
  3. Then he observed my setup
    1. I sole the club toward the back third of the sole with the grip pointed at my center and the face lays open slighty. Then I adjust hands, spine angle and other wiggles.
    2. I then get comfortable including setting my spine angle to the right which further adjusts the face of the club unknowingly w/ that "sitting in"and shoulders opening
    3. Then in the swing, with so much tilt to the right and shoulder angle my takeaway of the club is going back outside the ball and dragged inside
  4. Swing
    1. I was still dropping my elbow straight down and then sweeping the ball
    2. Not bad if I do it consistently but it won't work with my current setup and takeaway
  1. Sole the club in the center with the face square and pinch with left hand
    1. Longer irons will set to not get the leading edge too close to ground
    2. Wedges will setup with leading edge naturally close to ground
  2. Then grip and address the club with both hands with it properly soled
  3. The V between my left and right hands is centered at my chest
  4. The shaft points up my left arm (he stuck a orange pole in the grip and it went right up my left arm under my elbow and behind my shoulder joint)
  5. Don't tilit or move spine angle
  6. Widen feet to ensure shoulders stay square to feet/hips/club
  1. From there I swung the club back with current backswing but better tempo... 
  2. He said not too slow - good rythme back and down at same pace
  3. Gotta be sure to let the backswing finish before starting down
  4. With the adjustments the ball started more online and had some fade due to me or the wind but playable if I aim at center of green.
  1. Be conscious of position of 3,4,5... 6...7,8... 9,W,52,58
  2. 3W was further up and it produced a much better shot when not too far back compared to 2H

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